Saturday, July 16, 2022


 Creating a Table using HBase Shell

1)  create command  : create command use to create table .  in this create command two things you must specify the table name and the Column Family name. The syntax to create a table in HBase shell is shown below.

create ‘<table name>’,’<column family>’

Example 1:

create 'employee', 'personal data', 'professional data'

2) list command    :  this command is use to list all  tables. The synax to list all tables in HBase  shell is shown below.


Example 2: 


3)    put command :  put command use to  insert rows into a table. Its syntax is as follows:

put ’<table name>’,’row1’,’<colfamily:colname>’,’<value>’

Example 3:  

 put 'employee','1','personal data:name','sameer'

 put 'employee','1','personal data:city','pune'

 put 'employee','1','professional data:designation','hadoop administrator'

 put 'employee','1','professional data:salary','280000'

4) get command : get command  use to read data from a table in HBase.The following example shows how to use the get command

get ’<table name>’,’row1’

Example 4:

get 'employee', '1' 

5) describe command : describe command  returns the description of the table. Its syntax is as follows

describe 'table name'

Example 5:

describe 'employee'

6)  scan command :  scan command is used to view the data in HTable.  Using the scan command, you can get the table data. Its syntax is as follows.

scan ‘<table name>’

Example 6: 

scan 'employee'

7) disabling command  :  disabling command is use to  disable table in  HBase Shell.

The syntax to disable a table in HBase shell is shown below.

Example 7:

disable 'employee'

8)  is_disabled  command:  is_disabled command is used to find whether a table is disabled. Its syntax is as follows.

Example 8:

is_disabled 'table name'

is_disabled 'employee'

9) disable_all command: disable_all command is use to  disable   all the tables matching the given regex. all the tables matching the given regex

 disable_all 'e.*'

Example 9:

 disable_all 'e.*'

10) drop command: drop command is use to  dropping a table using HBase Shell. 

Note : Before dropping a table, you have to disable it first. 

Example 10: 

disable 'employee'

drop   'employee'


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